Stir-fry of mixed mushrooms with black beans, celeriac and potatoes

Stir-fry of mixed mushrooms with black beans, celeriac and potatoes

This is a suprising and very tasty stir-fry of Japanese mushrooms, black beans and celeriac served with Japanese rice. The black beans I used are the common ones (ブラックビーン, “burakkubiin” in Japanese), not the black-skinned soy beans (黒豆,”kuromame”) because they are hard to find here. Celeriac is not a common vegetable in Japan either but the taste goes really well with the mushrooms and beans.

         • 825 kcal per person  


For two people:

  • Fresh ingredients and groceries
    • 150-200 g mixed mushrooms (in the picture: eringi, oyster (hiratake), shimeji)
    • half a celeriac
    • about 400 g small potatoes
  • From the store cupboard
    • a pack or tin of black beans
    • a cup of Japanese rice
    • 1 cm ginger, finely chopped
    • 2 tablespoons of white sesame seeds
    • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
    • 1 tablespoon olive oil for frying
    • 1 teaspoon miso
    • 2 teaspoons mirin


  • Cook the rice (see basics for how to cook Japanese rice).
  • While the rice is cooking:
    • Slice the potatoes and celeriac in pieces suitable for eating with chop sticks an put in a microwave pot with a tablespoon of mirin.
    • Cook in the microwave for 5 minutes at full power (900W), shake or stir, cook for another 5 minutes.
    • After cooking, strain the cooking liquid into a bowl.
    • Wash and slice the mushrooms in pieces suitable for eating with chop sticks.
    • Wash and drain the black beans.
    • Stir-fry the ginger, sesame seeds and mushrooms over high heat until the mushrooms start to brown.
    • Reduce the heat to low and add the beans, potatoes and celeriac.
    • Create some space in the middle of the pan and pour the soy sauce into it, the stir well so it is evenly mixed.
    • Stir-fry for a few more minutes at over heat.
    • Swith of the hob.
    • Mix the miso with the mirin and the cooking liquid of the celeriac and potatoes.
    • Pour the mixture in the pan and stir well.
  • Serve in a bowl, with the rice in a separate bowl.

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